Color example using Applet

import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class Color1 extends Applet {   public void paint (Graphics g)   {     Color Pigment;     int Red;     int Green;     int Blue;    ...
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Program to demonstrate - toString()

class CD { String title;           // name of the item int length;             // number of minutes boolean avail;         ...
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Program to demonstrate inheritance (Example-2)

class Car {     public String make;     protected int weight;     private String color;     private Car(String make,int weight,String color)     {        ...
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Program to demonstrate super() in java

class CD { String title;           // name of the item int length;             // number of minutes boolean avail;         ...
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Program to demonstrate super() in java

class CD { String title;           // name of the item int length;             // number of minutes boolean avail;         ...
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Program to demonstrate static variables, methods in java

class UseStaticMember {     //static variable static int x=4; //static method static void display() {     System.out.println("x : "+x); } } class StaticmemDemo2 { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("x...
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Program to demonstrate static variables in java

class StaticDemo1 { static int x=4; static int y; static void display(int a) { System.out.println("x : "+x); System.out.println("y : "+y); System.out.println("a : "+a); } static { System.out.println("Static block====="); y=x*x; } public static void...
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Program to demonstrate Single inheritance

//Single inheritance //create a superclass class A {     int a1;            //public by default     protected int a2;   //protected to A    ...
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Program to demonstrate inheritance

//Simple example of inheritance //create a superclass class A {     private int a;     void showa()     {         System.out.println("a : "+a);     } } //create...
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Program to demonstrate movie database using Method overriding(Example-2))

//Method overriding class CD { String title;           // name of the item int length;             // number of minutes boolean avail;         ...
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Program to demonstrate movie database using Method overriding

 Program to demonstrate movie database using Method overriding //Method overriding class CD { String title;           // name of the item int length;            ...
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Program to demonstrate movie database

 Program to demonstrate movie database class CD { private String title;           // name of the item private int length;            ...
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Program to find which day of week today using Interface

Program to find which day of week today  using Interface   interface Week { int Monday=1; int Tuesday=2; int Wednesday=3; int Thursday=4; int Friday=5; int Saturday=6; int Sunday=7; } class Day implements Week { void display(int day) { switch(day) { case...
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Program to find which day of week today using Interface

Program to find which day of week today  using Interface   interface Week { int Monday=1; int Tuesday=2; int Wednesday=3; int Thursday=4; int Friday=5; int Saturday=6; int Sunday=7; } class Day implements Week { void display(int day) { switch(day) { case...
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Program to find area of rectangle and circle using Interface

Program to find area of rectangle and circle using Interface interface Area  //interface defined {     float pi=3.14F;     float compute(float x, float y); } class Rectangle implements Area { public float compute...
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Program to find area of rectangle using Interface

Program to find area of rectangle  using Interface interface Area  //interface defined {     float pi=3.14F;     float compute(float x, float y); } class Rectangle implements Area { public float compute (float...
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Program to demonstrate Students Marks using Interface

class student {     int roll_number;         void get_number(int a)         {                 roll_number = a;        ...
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Program to demonstrate Interface in Java

Program to demonstrate Interface in Java interface NewShape {     void draw(); } interface Circle extends NewShape {     void getRadius();     int radious=10; } class NewCircle implements Circle {    ...
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Program to demonstrate Employee Informatiom by passing parameters in constructors of different class

Program to demonstrate Employee Informatiom by passing parameters in constructors of different class class staff {     private int code;     private String name;     private String address;    ...
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Program to demonstrate Dynamic method dispatch

 Program to demonstrate Dynamic method dispatch  //Dynamic method dispatch class CD { void message() { System.out.println("Inside CD's method"); } } class Movie extends CD { //override message void message() { System.out.println("Inside...
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Program to demonstrate Constructors

class CD { CD() { System.out.println("Inside CD's constructor"); } } class Movie extends CD { Movie() { System.out.println("Inside Movie's constructor"); } } class DocumentoryFilm extends Movie { DocumentoryFilm() { System.out.println("Inside DocumentoryFilm's...
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Program to demonstrate Company Record of Person

Program to demonstrate Company Record of Person //super class class Person {     protected String name;     protected int code;     Person(String n,int c)     {        ...
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Program to demonstrate CD store

Program to demonstrate CD store class CD { String title; int length; boolean avail; CD(CD vt) { title=vt.title; length=vt.length; avail=vt.avail; } CD(String t, int l,boolean a) { title=t; length=l; avail=a; } CD() { title=null; length=0; avail=false; } } class...
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Program to demonstrate Bank Account using Abstract class and Abstract method

Program to demonstrate  Bank Account using Abstract class and Abstract method abstract class Account {         protected int number;         protected String name;    ...
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Program to demonstrate Abstract class and Abstract method

 Program to demonstrate Abstract class and Abstract method abstract class Shape {     protected double bs,ht,area;     void getdata(double b, double h)     {     bs=b;    ...
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Program to demonstrate System.out.write()

/* Program to demonstrate System.out.write() */ class WriteDemo {     public static void main(String args[ ])     {         int i; char c ; float f;double d;        ...
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Program to read a string and rewrite it in alphabetical order

/* Program to read a string and rewrite it in alphabetical order  */ import;     // to load DataInputStream class         class P27 {     public...
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Program to demonstrates the charAt( )

/* Program to demonstrates the - charAt( ) */ class charAtDemo {     public static void main(String args[ ])     {         String s = "INDIA";         char ch;    ...
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MCQ's on Java Fundamentals

1. Which is a valid keyword in java? A. interface B. Float C. string D. unsigned Click for answer  A. interface 2. Which is a reserved word in the Java programming language? A. method B. array C. native D. reference D. subclasses Click...
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Program to illustrate reading data from keyboard

 Program to illustrate reading data from keyboard import;      // load class for reading purpose class StringtoNumber {     public static void main(String args[])    ...
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Program to demonstrate static variables, methods, and blocks

/* Program to demonstrate static variables, methods, and blocks */ class StaticDemo1 {     static int a = 5;     static int b;     static void display(int c)     {        ...
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Program to Demonstrates- Returning an Object

/* Program to Demonstrates- Returning an Object */ class Rational {     int numerator;     int denominator;     Rational(int a, int b)     {         numerator...
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Program to demonsrates Recursion - Factorial of a given number

/* Program to demonsrates Recursion - Factorial of a given number */ class Factorial {     int fact(int n)     {         int result;         if(n==1)    ...
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Program to demonstrate Using Object as Parameters

/* Program to demonstrate ‘Using Object as Parameters’ */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     // Construct clone of an object     Rectangle(Rectangle obj)    ...
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Program to demonstrate 'this' keyword

/* Program to demonstrate  'this' keyword */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     //  use 'this' to resolve name-space collisions.     Rectangle(int length ,int width)    ...
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Program to demonstrate Constructor overloading

/* Program to demonstrate  Constructor overloading */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     //  Constructor used when all values are specified     Rectangle(int l,int...
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Program to demonstrate parametrized Constructor

/* Program to demonstrate parametrized Constructor */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     // This is parameterized Constructor for Rectangle     Rectangle(int l,int w)    ...
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Program to demonstrate Constructor

/* Program to demonstrate Constructor */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     // This is Constructor for Rectangle     Rectangle()     {        ...
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Program to demonstrate method that takes parameters

/* Program to demonstrate method that takes parameters */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     // compute and return Area of a Rectangle     int area()     {    ...
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Program to demonstrate Method returning a value

/* Program to demonstrate returning a value */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     // compute and return Area of a Rectangle     int area()     {    ...
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Program to demonstrate method

/* Program to demonstrate method */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width;     // display Area of a Rectangle     void area()     {        ...
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Program to demonstrate the use of other class

/* Program to demonstrate the use of  other class.    Call this file */ class Rectangle {     int length;     int width; } // This class declares an object of type Rectangle. class RectangleDemo1 {    ...
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Program to compute value of x1 and x2 of linear equations

 Program to compute value of x1 and x2 of linear equations import;     // to load DataInputStream class         class LinearEq {     public static...
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Program to represent Bank Account- Using Constructor

 Program to represent Bank Account- Using Constructor import;   // to load DataInputStream class class Bank {     String name,type;     int acno,bal,wit,dep;    ...
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Program to represent Bank Account

 Program to represent Bank Account import;   // to load DataInputStream class class Bank {     String name,type;     int acno,bal,wit,dep;     // To assign initial...
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